Entrepreneurship Essentials

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  • Author
    WAB Lab Pte Ltd
  • Level
  • Study time
    5 hours
  • Video time
    1 hours

Entrepreneurship Workshop

Would you to be your own boss? Have you ever dreamed of starting your own business? Don’t know what to do about your great business idea? If you have ever thought about these situations then you need our entrepreneurship workshop.

Let our Entrepreneurship workshop help you achieve your dreams. Being an entrepreneur can be full of risks. These risks are minimised through drafting a business plan, knowing your competition, and successful marketing. All these and more can be found in our Entrepreneurship workshop.

Workshop Objectives

  • Understand how to start a business
  • Develop a business plan
  • Get financing for your business
  • Hire and train employees
  • Run your business
  • Grow your business
Meet the instructor

WAB Lab Pte Ltd

WAB Lab was incorporated in 2017 to provide the soft skills training in areas of leadership and people management and business management for Singapore Small, Medium Enterprises (SMEs) where we innovate to co-create sales solutions with our partners, clients and business units for sustainable business growth.
In 2021, we introduced our flagship training-consultancy ecosystem and uplifted the concept of training intervention and/or post-training solution to provide customised help to SMEs in Singapore and Asia.
Patrick Jones - Course author

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