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Business Succession Planning

Whether it is preparing someone to take over a position of leadership in a corporation, or the sole proprietor of a small business Business Succession Planning will teach you the difference between succession planning and mere replacement planning.





5 Hours



Workshop Details

The loss of valuable leadership can cripple a company. Business succession planning is essentially preparing successors to take on vital leadership roles when the need arises. It is essential to the long-term survival of a company. Every company should have a form of succession planning in its portfolio as it is not the expected absences that can cripple a company, but the unexpected ones.

Whether it is preparing someone to take over a position of leadership in a corporation, or the sole proprietor of a small business Business Succession Planning will teach you the difference between succession planning and mere replacement planning. How you prepare people to take on the responsibilities of leadership so that the company thrives in the transition is just as important as picking the right person for the job.

Workshop Objectives

  • Define business succession planning and its role in your company
  • Lay the groundwork to develop a succession plan
  • The importance of mentorship
  • Define and use a SWOT analysis to set goals
  • Create a plan, assign roles, and execute the plan
  • Communicate to develop support and manage change
  • Anticipate obstacles, and evaluate and adapt goals and plans
  • Characterise success.
Meet the instructor

WAB Lab Pte Ltd

WAB Lab was incorporated in 2017 to provide the soft skills training in areas of leadership and people management and business management for Singapore Small, Medium Enterprises (SMEs) where we innovate to co-create sales solutions with our partners, clients and business units for sustainable business growth.

In 2021, we introduced our flagship training-consultancy ecosystem and uplifted the concept of training intervention and/or post-training solution to provide customised help to enterprises in Singapore and Asia.
Patrick Jones - Course author

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